
Android windowmanager overlay guide
Android windowmanager overlay guide

android windowmanager overlay guide android windowmanager overlay guide

Android :: How To Hide Soft Keyboard In WebView ?.Android : How To Hide Status Bar When Using WebView?.The webpage is all text, and one tiny image at the bottom, but the text is generated each time you load it, so I can't just copy/paste the body. Is there a way to do this? The link is in the body, so I can't hide the body element in whole. There's a webpage I pull up with webview, however i'd like to hide the 1 text link at the top. TopLevelLayout.Android :: Hide Elements From Webview? Jun 12, 2010 SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit() SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE) īoolean ranBefore = preferences.getBoolean("RanBefore", false) You can read more about SharedPreferences here Android SDK – SharedPreferences The SharedPreferences is used to store that the user already saw the overlay. Now you need to create a Method which create the SharedPreference that the overlay is only inflated the first time. One RelativeLayout representing your overlay and the other RelativeLayout your app. In summary you need to define two RelativeLayouts within one FrameLayout. Note the background color of the second RelativeLayout is a light grey tint (#88666666) The second part of the FrameLayout is a RelativeLayout defining the overlay with and image pointing the user to the settings icons in the ActionBar. In my case the images of the clothing and the textviews which retrieve the locally stored preferences (not part of this tutorial). The first RelativeLayout defines the actually app. The FrameLayout exist out of two RelativeLayouts.

android windowmanager overlay guide

Create a Method isFirstTime() to set SharedPreferences and visibility of your overlayīelow you see the XML of the layout of the MainActivity. One layout of your mainactivity and the other layout for the overlay Use a FrameLayout to define two layouts. General Approach to create a one-time overlay. In this video you can see how the overlay instruction in Android works If your wondering how to make the background gradient or the used action bar please see the following two tutorials. Note that this tutorial is part of a set of tutorials to develop an app to store locally your clothing sizes. This is often used to show the user key features of your app when they use your app the first time. In this tutorial I show how you can make an overlay or second activity which overlays your main activity with a transparent overlay which you can use to show an instruction in the screen. Want to learn more about Android development? This resource changed my life.

Android windowmanager overlay guide